Light cauldron to open the brand new game. The high energy part of the opening ceremony and athletes performed by law enforcement officers and is always a highlight of the ceremony. Announced the new Special Olympics cauldron at 4:00 pm Wednesday, November 10th in the downtown lawn will Bulloch County, Averitt Center for the Arts at a reception after the ceremony. Is sandblasted stainless steel pan that looks like marble. Way back where the torch light can easily light the fuse is designed.
"The Games athletes will experience a glorious moment., Oursler, Savannah State University art teacher said," I think that energy, because he wanted to reflect what it is. He said it took three months to make pots of sand and about a month until the design is brilliant in almost a mirror surface, like a pearl lasting forever. "
Basin was built to help celebrate the 40th anniversary of Special Olympics Georgia created.
"Duke has many ideas and he took these ideas and a pan that our players, coaches, volunteers, Law Enforcement Torch Run officers, parents, sponsors and proud to join the movement of staff will allow all made , Program Vice President Robert Yost Soga Special Olympics and to ignite the flame of hope. "
Cauldron lit for the first time Friday, November 12th Southeast Bulloch High School Fall State Games opening ceremony will be.
About Duke Oursler
Oursler a Savannah Georgia State University and Southern University are in the star professor. The Georgia Southern University and a BA in Fine Arts from the University of Northern Iowa with a Master of Fine Arts earned. In addition to distinguishing "Best in Show at 2009 Annual Florida sculpture competition. Oursler taught sculpture, carpentry and stone carving handle.
About Special Olympics Georgia
Soga people to invest in intellectual disabilities, helping them to develop athletic skills, while promoting the ability of players off the field. 23 078 athletes across the state of the service, Soga for community development, self esteem building, and everything that is good and is expected to focus on the eyes of the world wants.
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